14 French Expressions all about Love

The French language is widely considered to be one of the most romantic languages in the world. And while it might be more of a cliché than anything else, it’s hard to deny that there’s just something extra charming about the way French sounds. 

With February being the official month of love, here are 14 French words and expressions all about l'amour

1. Un coeur à prendre: To be single/to be single and looking (literally to have a heart to take)

2. Un crush: A crush (same in English)

3. Draguer quelqu’un: To hit on someone

4. Kiffer quelqu’un: To dig someone (e.g.: Je te kiffe)

5. Craquer pour quelqu’un: To fall for someone

6. Avoir un coeur d’artichaut: To be a hopeless romantic/to fall in love easily (literally to have an artichoke heart)

7. Avoir un coup de foudre: Love at first sight (literally to be struck by lightning)

8. Déclarer sa flamme: To declare your love (literally to declare your flame)

9.  Des tourtereaux: Lovebirds 

10. Manquer à quelqu’un: To miss someone (e.g. tu me manques - I miss you) 

11. Être fou amoureux/amoureuse: To be crazy in love

12. Trouver la perle rare: To find THE one (literally to find the rare pearl)

13. Trouver le grand amour: To find true love 

14. Trouver son âme soeur: To find one’s soul mate


What are your favourite French words or expressions about love?

If you’re looking for a romantic French getaway outside of Paris, check out Part 1 and Part 2 of the most romantic cities in France. 

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